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Selected plan: CleanPix Plus

5 TB (5,000 GB) of available storage, 10 administrator profiles, 10,000 unique assets and no transfer limits! – $295/m after 10/19/24
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See how you can get going fast!

Standard Service Packages

Get unlimited users, downloads, and file sizes with an easy-to-budget flat fee
Save 5% monthly with auto-pay or 1 month free with yearly invoicing!


100 GBof available storage

  • Basic support
  • Unlimited upload size
  • Group downloading
  • Zero data transfer fees
  • Support for 500 assets
  • Up to 2 administrators
  • Unlimited end-users
  • File metadata search
  • Unlimited upload size
  • Preset metadata templates
  • Custom metadata fields
  • Automatic asset expiry
  • Full length video previews
  • $20/month
    Standard rate

    Try 30 day trial


25 TBof available storage to start

  • Priority live support
  • Unlimited upload size
  • Group downloading
  • Zero data transfer fees
  • Unlimited upload size
  • Unlimited asset count
  • Unlimited admin seats
  • Unlimited end-users
  • File metadata search
  • Custom metadata fields
  • Preset metadata templates
  • Automatic asset expiry
  • Full length video previews
  • Admin sub-accounts
  • $795/month
    Standard rate

    Try 30 day trial

Prices in US Dollars

Free starter account (unlimited trial*)

10 GBof available storage

  • Basic functionality from Lite plan
  • Supports up to 100 files
  • No transfer limits*
  • Additional services available
* Standard terms and conditions apply

Give it a go! Start free with no credit card required.

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